MPM Enviro Enterprise Pty (Ltd)

MPM Enviro Enterprise Pty (Ltd) is a Private Company that specializes in Environmental Management, that was established in 2013 and it provides various infrastructure, biodiversity management, landscape-scale conservation planning, environmental management and sustainable development services in the form of poverty alleviation programmes by creating stable green job and increasing work readiness in Youth, through acting as an implementing agent and as a link between the formal Education sector and Work environment for Private Sector, Local, District and Provincial Government(s) with the sole purpose of improving and promoting transformation in various key industries, socio-economic growth and sustainable development within the surrounding communities where we implement programmes...

What we do

Our main business aspects that we trade in are as follows:

Our Vision

To create economically viable societies that exist in harmony with the environment

Our Motto

Let us help you find a sustainable way of doing business

Our Mission

By providing 2030 SDG aligned solutions to our Clients through provision of environmentally friendly products and developing environmentally friendly strategies that influence our Clients development plans.


Let us help you find a sustainable way of doing business

About Us

Our company has its roots deeply rooted in the pillars of Sustainable Development as our main vision is to create economically viable societies that exist in harmony with the environment.

Find Us

No.2, End Street, Heidelberg, Gauteng, 1441

(+27) 65 974 7996

Lets Communicate




MPM Enviro Enterprise Pty Ltd operates under the CIPC Regulations as a qualifying essential services under the “Hygiene Chemicals, Medical and Pharmaceutical” category. Please contact us for PPE, Sanitizers (Gel & Liquid) and Sanitizer Bottles. For more resources on Covid-19, click here

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